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fr hotel 4
Massing Model
fr hotel
fr hotel 2
fr hotel 3
168 Bedroom Hotel, Premier Inn, Finzels Reach

Project Details


Role: Concept / Tender Architect

RIBA Stages: 0 to 5
Project Value: £5.5m

Procurement Route: Design & Build

Client: Cubex Land Ltd

Funder: Palmer Real Estate Value Fund.

End User/Leasholder: Whitbread PLC / Premier Inn

Project Manager: Dickson Powell Partnership
Contractor: RGB



  • Development of Client Brief;

  • Internal plan development based on Whitbread  framework documentation and strategic masterplan objectives;

  • Preparing all planning documentation and obtaining planning consents;

  • Resolution of Technical requirements including Building Regulations;

  • Resolution and coordination of materials, components, fixtures and fittings;

  • Initiating and coordinating the integration of consultant information including Fire, Acoustic, Structural and Services, FRA, Arboricultural, Transport,

  • Production of detailed tender information- coordinated drawings and NBS;

  • Production of  AfL information.

Declan O'Donnell

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